프리젠테이션 "Litigio! Litige! 訴訟 Soshō, Rechtsstreit! Special Considerations When Your Client is from Another Part of the World," International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), Kona, Hawaii, July, 2023 "Artificial Intelligence: Legal Issues and Risks to Consider," Kim Jaechul Graduate school of AI at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST AI), Seoul, June 2023 "From The Flintstones to The Jetsons: Rewards and Risks of New Technology Vehicles," International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany, July, 2022 “US Litigation: Practical Information to help Korean companies Win!” Dentons Lee Webinar, November, 2021 “Liability Implications for Autonomous Vehicles: What Manufacturers and Developers Can Do Now to Manage Them,” European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK), October, 2020 “IoT, Companies Need to Understand and Manage the Many Emerging Risks,” Dentons Lee Webinar, Sep 2020 “IoT and Autonomous Vehicles: Great Opportunities but Companies Need to Manage the Risks,” European Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ECCK), March, 2020 “How to Deal with Political Acts Around the World that Cause Disruption to Clients’ Business Activities and Impair Their Legal Rights,” International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), February, 2020 “US Discovery in Competition Cases: Tips for Asian Companies to Manage Discovery Obligations and Avoid Sanctions,” 8th Annual Korea Summit 2019 on Competition Law, Seoul 2019 “Internet of Things: Risks and Tips to Manage Them,” International Association of Korean Attorneys, Annual Meeting, Seoul 2019 “The Ties That Bind: Tariffs and Trade Wars and Their Impact on Supply Chains and the Transportation Industry,” Transportation Lawyers Association, Annual Conference, Austin, TX 2019 “The Sun Never Sets on Product Defect Claims: Worldwide Liability – An Asian Perspective,” International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), Asia Meeting, Hong Kong 2018 “Help! I’m Representing an Asian Company in US Litigation - What Do I Need to Know,” International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), Annual Meeting, Quebec City, 2017 “Internet of Things: The Risks and How to Manage Them,” AMCHAM Legal Affairs Committee Meeting, 2017 “Potential Liability Arising from Mass Epidemics,” International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), Midyear Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2017 “The Challenges Faced by Transportation Lawyers When Clients Are Shipping Goods Worldwide: ‘We’re Not in Kansas Anymore!’,” Transportation Lawyers Association Annual Conference, Destin, FL, 2016 “Around the World: How Litigation Strategy is Going Global,” International Association of Defense Counsel, Mid-Year Meeting, Pebble Beach, CA, 2016 “Criminalization of Corporate Conduct in Asia,” Asia Regional Meeting of the International Association of Defense Counsel, Hong Kong, 2015 “IP Law in Korea: Patent Infringement Litigation and Trademark and Copyright Enforcement,” Asia Regional Meeting of the IADC, Hong Kong, 2014 “The 9/11 Attacks: Defending Complex Commercial and Property Damage Claims,” International Association of Defense Counsel, Annual Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, 2013 “Risk Management Best Practices for College Fraternities,” Sigma Phi Society, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, 2013 “Defending Commercial Class Actions: Recent Cases May Be Giving the Defense an Edge,” International Association of Defense Counsel, Mid-Year Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, 2013 “Innovative Techniques for Defending Damages Claims in High Stakes Commercial Litigation,” International Association of Defense Counsel, Mid-Year Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, 2013 “Identifying, Managing and Insuring the Risk of Sexual Abuse of Minors on Campus,” University Risk Management and Insurance Association Annual Conference, Providence, RI, 2012 “Imbuing Effective Risk Management Practices in Today’s Millennial Students,” University Risk Management and Insurance Association Annual Conference, Providence, RI, 2012 “Mock Trial: Smart Strategies for Managing Difficult Risks - Student Group Alcohol Use and Hazing,” University Risk Management and Insurance Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 2011 “Risk Management: Alcohol and Hazing Mock Trial,” Balfour Leadership Training Workshop, Sigma Chi International Fraternity, Chapel Hill, NC, 2011 “Fraternity Legal Liabilities: How to Stay Out of Trouble,” Kappa Eta Chapter, Sigma Chi Fraternity, Harvard University, 2010 “New Reporting Requirements under the Medicare Secondary Payer Statute,” International Association of Defense Counsel Midyear Meeting, Naples, FL, 2010 “Alcohol/Drug Risk Mitigation, Sigma Chi Fraternity Connecticut/ Rhode Island Province Conference,” New Haven, CT, 2010 “International Discovery: Do You Need It and How Do You Obtain It.,” American Bar Association, Washington, D.C., 2009 “Behind The Curtain: Insight into the Aviation Practice from Go-Team to Trial,” Aviation & Space Law Committee, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association, Washington, D.C., 2009 “Avoiding Legal Liabilities for Fraternities,” Sigma Chi Fraternity North Atlantic Province Conference, Boston, MA, 2009 “Party Risk Management: Mock Trial,” Balfour Leadership Training Workshop, Sigma Chi International Fraternity, Chapel Hill, NC, 2009 “New Reporting Requirements under Medicare Secondary Payer Statute: Settling/Paying Party Beware,” IADC Webinar, 2009 Program Chair, “Damages in Complex Commercial Litigation,” DRI, Boston, MA, 2008 “Consumer Surveys in False Advertising and Trademark Infringement Cases,” DRI Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2008 “Electronic Presentations Prior to and During Trial,” Kansas Association of Defense Counsel Annual Conference, Kansas City, KS, 2008 “Party Risk Management: Mock Trial,” Balfour Leadership Training Workshop, Sigma Chi International Fraternity, Columbia, MO, 2008 “Consumer Confusion under the Lanham Act and the Use of Survey Evidence,” Intellectual Property Litigation, DRI, Chicago, IL, 2008 “Where and How to Use Electronic Presentations Prior to and During Trial,” Linking Technology to Victory, Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Boston, MA, 2008 Program Chair, “Complex Commercial Litigation, Smart Strategies for Hard Cases,” DRI, Phoenix., AZ, 2007 “Practicing in the District Court,” District Court Survival Guide Seminar, Massachusetts Bar Association, Boston, MA, 2006 “September 11th Litigation after Closure of VCF and Issuance of Kean Commission Report: What’s Left and What’s Next,” DRI Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2005 “Prosecution and Defense of False Advertising Claims under the Lanham Act,” DRI Intellectual Property and Litigation Seminar, Chicago, IL, 2004 “Developments In Professional Malpractice Litigation Part II: Accountant Auditor Malpractice Litigation,” D&O and E&O Liability: The New Environment (Defense Research Institute), Boston, MA, 2003 “Payment Bonds and Performance Bonds,” Construction Issues in Massachusetts (Lorman Educational Services), Boston, MA, 2002 “Packaging Software Contracts,” For the Defense (Defense Research Institute), June, 2002 International Discovery for Commercial Litigation, DRI Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2002 가입 협회 국제변호인협회 (IADC) 기업소송위원회 (Business Litigation Committee) 전임 위원장 제조물 책임, 지적 재산, 운송, 의료장비 및 ADR 위원회 회원 변론연구소 (DRI) 제조물책임위원회 회원 상업소송위원회의 운영위원회 회원 지적재산위원회 회원 운송전문변호사협회 (Transportation Lawyers Association) 국제무역교통위원회 공동 의장 경력 외국변호사, Dentons Lee (舊 리인터내셔널 법률사무소), 2014-현재 Campbell Campbell Edwards & Conroy, 1989-2014 Peabody & Arnold LLP, 1984-1988
국제변호인협회 (IADC) 기업소송위원회 (Business Litigation Committee) 전임 위원장 제조물 책임, 지적 재산, 운송, 의료장비 및 ADR 위원회 회원 변론연구소 (DRI) 제조물책임위원회 회원 상업소송위원회의 운영위원회 회원 지적재산위원회 회원 운송전문변호사협회 (Transportation Lawyers Association) 국제무역교통위원회 공동 의장
외국변호사, Dentons Lee (舊 리인터내셔널 법률사무소), 2014-현재 Campbell Campbell Edwards & Conroy, 1989-2014 Peabody & Arnold LLP, 1984-1988